Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What to do now that you closed on your home.

Home Buyer Advisor
e Information you need to find the best home and the best loan f

What’s Next?

Congratulations, you’re a home owner! The pressure and anticipation of the home buying process is now in the past and you can look forward to years of enjoyment in your new home.
Protect Your Home
In all the excitement, it’s easy to forget to take steps to protect your investment and keep your family safe. Here are a few simple suggestions of things you should do as a new home owner:

· The day you move in, change the locks on all doors.
· Check the smoke detectors and install new batteries.
· Install fire extinguishers in the kitchen and the garage.
· Buy a first-aid kit and place it in a convenient location.
· Open a safe deposit box or purchase a fireproof safe to store important documents such as insurance paperwork, warrantees and loan documents.
· Take pictures or a video of the interior of your home with all of your belongings in place for insurance reasons, and store it in your safe deposit box.

Maintain Your Home

Most people find that taking care of their own home is relaxing and rewarding work. If your home inspector provided you with a maintenance plan when you purchased your home, use it as a checklist for your regular maintenance. Repairing small items as they occur can help prevent big repair bills.

A well maintained home will be more fun for you and your family to live in, and will retain its value and attraction to buyers if you wish to sell in the future. Here are some important maintenance areas to consider:

· Yard: Keep shrubbery cut back so that branches are at least two feet from the house, and keep tree branches ten feet away.
· Roof: Clean out the gutters in spring and fall, and more often if needed.
· Exterior: Stain decks and porches annually.
· Interior: Make sure that items stored in the attic aren’t blocking air circulation.
· Utilities: Have the heating system inspected and serviced every 6-12 months.

If you would like more information about home maintenance, please give me a call.

Oh, By the Way…whenever you come across people who are thinking about buying, selling or refinancing a home and would appreciate the same level of service I provide to you, please forward their name and telephone number to me. I will gladly follow up and offer them the high-quality service you currently receive!

Ron Meyer
GSF Mortgage Corporation
920-213-0428 cell
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